Counselling in Perth
Therapy for Individuals and Couples
The process of therapy does not happen overnight. Nancy’s Carbone counselling services in Perth provides the facilitating environment that allows the individual to get in touch with underlying feelings, removing blind spots or defensive barriers that get in the way of seeing oneself and others more clearly.
Nancy’s Perth counsellor services allows one to get more in touch with themselves, so they understand what goes on for them behind their reactions. As part of her theraputic services, Nancy sits with the emotional difficulties of clients, as she processes their experiences in a way that gently contains and holds them. Nancy ensures individuals do not need to use defences or mask their underlying vulnerabilities, through projection or acting out. Her therapy assists many to discover who they really are and embrace their real potentials. When clients utilize Nancy’s counselling, they embrace a journey of change and transformation, as they overcome defensive patterns with a development of their ‘real’ self.
Many relate in ways which offer them gratifying feelings; but this is often not as gratifying for their partner. The problem is when the partner does not say what is really on their mind or show how things affect them. Many partners come to counseling in shock and suprise when the partner they felt wanted them has walked out saying ” I had enough”. They want to know what happened and how did this happen, so it does not happen again.
Why wait till it is too late to sort things out? Why wait until you have lost everything? Sort it out now and work on things so you do not lose what you got.
If you wish to work through issues in counseling or understand yourself, contact Nancy.
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For counselling services , please call: 0449 861 147 or use the quick enquiry form page Here.
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