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  Finding a Psychotherapist

Often a person feels empty because they have evacuated their feelings, to escape pain or tension, so they do not feel what is going on inside, leading the self to feel empty, deprived and needing emotional nourishment, so often the  person will look for things to give instant pleasure or release, such as drugs or affairs. As a pychotherapist  in Perth, Nancy Carbone has found that many try to escape the emptiness  within the self’,  by trying  to get some  instant gratification  to compensate for what is  lacking within. Often  the excessive need for money or addictions are ways fill the emptiness within, but is short lived and results in destructive acting out which gets in the way of ones life and their relationships.

Psychotherapist Perth

Counsellor and Psychotherapist in Perth

As a  Perth counsellor and psychotherapist, Nancy has found many blame external things or others for how they feel. In depression counselling services and counselling for anxiety many realise that  the events that happen to them that trigger these unwanted feelings within the self. Offering counselling and psychotherapy services, Nancy has  observed how many try to flee  from  feelings inside,  by finding a new partner, new job or moving away. The truth  is you take your “empty self”  with you, so what ever problems you are escaping from, they come along with you,  until you work on them and rebuild the self.

As a counselor, providing counselling for relationship issues, Nancy assists to work through painful areas that have been stuck and continually retriggered by certain events.  Nancy illuminates the feelings that underlie self-defeating behaviors, so individuals become in touch with themselves. By processing and integrating feelings, allowing for a more stable and cohesive sense of self to develop, where one can derive authenticity and connectedness. Nancy dismantles defensive behaviors, to develop the healthier areas within the self,  so these areas can be awaken and grow into their emerging self.  Nancy assist those to develop a stable sense of self, by integrating emotional pain in a way that feels more contained.

As a Perth psychotherapist, Nancy promotes the ‘real’ self to develop, so it can  handle emotions and can overcome behaviours that cause relationship breakdown

For enquiries call: 0449 861 147 or use the quick enquiry form page Here
Nancy Carbone

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