At Counselling in Perth, Person Centered Therapy services explores the individual’s experiences in a respectful atmosphere.
Therapy is centered on the person’s needs, so therapy is directed by the person’s needs.
Applying Person Centered Therapy, Nancy Carbone provides unconditional positive regard, emotional attunement and empathic engagement; providing an atmosphere of safety to allow individuals to grow and reach their full potential. With the right therapeutic conditions, Nancy believes individuals can grow and explore their real and authentic self, free from contaminated emotional material. Therapy offers the opportunity to process ones emotional experiences, so they can better makes sense of their existence and find personal meaning for them.
Nancy employs person centered therapy to assist couples and individuals to address the areas they want to achieve in counselling, tailoring counselling to the particualr needs of the individual or couple. Nancy facilates an environment where individuals exolore what goes on for them, deeping their self understanding and facilating their real authenitic goals.
For more information for person centred therapy, contact Nancy on 0449 861 147