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Depression Counselling in Perth

Depression Counselling in Perth helps you overcome negative self beliefs

DepressionDepressive moods can include:

  • Feeling down, lifeless or flat
  • Lack of energy or motivation
  • Seeing life as going nowhere

Those suffering from depression have no capacity to cope or deal with life. So they avoid trying, giving up on the things that matter to them. Shutting down (keeping thoughts and feelings down) can result in taking more effort to escape. They cannot  find satisfaction in things anymore.

They realise that avoiding how they feel can lead them to feel depressed. By understanding what is happening to them and how these feelings came about can help them to feel less weighed down. As a result, the individual does not need to push feelings down, but live without feeling depressed.

Depressed individuals have anger towards themselves, with a negative self image or self beliefs, distorting how they see themselves or situations that happen to them.  Many blame themselves, take things personally or give up to avoid fears of failure, feeling unworthy etc.

Many individuals with depression enter therapy at the point, where they do not believe in themselves, as they give up and feel lost and directionless. Therapy modifies how they feel  about themselves, overcoming self-limiting beliefs and unwanted feelings, so they can feel better within themselves and focus on living life again. Those with depression at Counselling in Perth, re-experience feelings in a more manageable way

Depression Counsellor

In order to overcome feeling depressed or overwhelmed, one must challenge these beliefs s0 they do not end up taking over them.   As a depression counsellor, in treating anxiousness or depressive episodes, one must go into feelings, of self-doubt or self-berating, in therapy, so that these unmodulated emotions become better managed within.

When its difficult to tolerate the anxiousness or low moods, they escape these unwanted feelings of worthlessness, instead of addressing them. Counselling in Perth addresses the feelings underneath the defensive protections, so that individuals are free to be themselves, rather than live a life according to some defensive manoeuvre to discharge pain or distress.

Take charge and live life the way you want to with depression counselling

Counselling in Perth assists the process of getting in touch with difficult emotions, so they become better modulated within. By sorting out one’s feelings and challenging negative self-perceptions, they can become clear, focused and live life.

As a counselor for depression, Nancy Carbone looks for the inner resources that are already there, so individuals can build on them and face situations. So they can pick themselves up in life.

Find out more about our Depression Counselling Services

Please Call: 0449 861 147 or use the equiry form.

For depression counselling Melbourne visit our counselling Melbourne centre