Psychotherapist and Counsellor in Perth
When we encounter distress, it alerts us to unresolved aspects in the self, which need to be worked through, so that the pain does not continue to be re triggered. Often when the pain is felt, we use defences to ward off pain, so we do not feel what is on the inside. Sometimes these coping behaviours end up becoming aversive to us or others around us. Nancy Carbone is a counsellor in the Perth areas of West Leederville and Scarborough, who specialises in resolving anxiety provoking thoughts and feelings, so the defensive behaviours can be eliminated, so that individuals become free to live their life.
Finding a Counselor in Perth
As a counselor in Perth, Nancy has found those with depression or anxiety have shut down their emotions, as a way to protect them from experiencing unwanted feelings in the self. In her counsellor services, Nancy has found that the more one shuts down their emotions, they cannot get in touch with what they need to face, in order to assert themselves, take action or solve problems.Understanding ones feelings, tells them what is going on, what they need and who they are. Without utilising therapy, the ‘self’ can remain depleted and requires refuelling from outside sources in order to stay afloat, temporarily. Therapy builds the self to cope so one does not resort to bad coping mechanism. Many resort to addictions or comforts to escape unwanted feelings, so they do not get in touch with what is difficult to encounter within themselves. It is only through getting in touch with these hidden feelings, that real change can happen, with counselling for depression or counselling for anxiety . As a Counsellor Perth, Nancy Carbone Offers counselling services in Perth to re-process unwanted emotional material, so it does not get in the way of living ones life.
For inquiries at Counselling in Perth, call 0449 861 147, or use the enquiry form page below.
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