Counselling for individuals and couples
Counselling Services in Perth
Nancy Carbone is a professional counsellor and Psychotherapist. Her counselling services assists with Depression, Anxiety, Personal & Emotional Issues, Trauma & Abuse, Anger, Relationships Issues, Separation & Loss, Addiction, Mistrust and Affairs. Nancy also provides more long term Individual Psychotherapy for longstanding issues, where she can assists to overcome behavioural patterns that may not be working for you.
Nancy’s Couple counselling services provide couples with a secure atmosphere to address their hurt experiences. She enables couples to modify how they see each other, so they can hear and respond to each partner’s needs. With her couselling services, couples can then develop new ways of relating which brings out the best in each other.
Nancy Carbone has studied at the Psychoanalytic International Materson institute in New York . She has successfully achieved a Masters qualification in Counselling and Psychotherapy, specialized in Couple Therapy services, an Arts degree majored in Psychology. She is also an accredited Mental Health Social Worker, where her clients can obtain rebates from Medicare. With more than 16 years counselling experience, this enables her to provide counselling services in a respectful and non judgemental atmosphere.
Counsellor and psychotherapist in Perth
For enquiries or appointments for counselling services, call: 0449 861 147 or use the enquiry form page Here
For more information about her counselor and psyhotherapy services, contact Nancy on 0449 861 147 or visit
Nancy Carbone
Counselling in Perth