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Unlock Relationship Patterns with a marriage counselling in Perth

Are you noticing the same old relationship patterns? Did you think they would go away if you found  someone else? The reality is, we take our selves into each relationship, so our habits come with us, even if we felt it was our partners fault. We also contribute to what goes on and often we do not realise we are repeating patterns, until we re-discover them and sort them out with a relationship specialist. Our natural blind spots  stops us from seeing our own part.

With a relationship counselling become unstuck? 

relationship Counsellor

Firstly, let’s examine how individuals re-create these patterns? How does a relationship counselor, for individuals, assist to overcome these  patterns, so they can have fulfilling relationships?  Let’s look at hypothetical example of Mary.

Mary was constantly seeking approval from men and this was the same dynamic she had with her father. Her problems kept occurring, until therapy brought this into her conscious awareness. By working through this internal dynamic, she was able to move forward with living her own life, so she could be free from having to live according to the perceived expectations of others, to make them happy. She was living according to her father’s high expectations, that became internalised in her, being critical of herself if she wasn’t perfect. She could see how her behavior was guided by her past patterns of relating, not helping her present relationships and behavior. She constantly lived with the intolerable feeling of not being good enough or inadequate, so she defended against this anxiety, by overcompensating to get peoples approval, to need validation from them, by avoiding her real self. She couldn’t reveal her real self, that felt flawed if she wasn’t appeasing her bosses or lovers. So she would cover up her real authentic self to get that positive feedback and acknowledgement from others, otherwise she was left sitting with her harsh feelings she has towards herself, which was painful for her. To defend against her feelings, she projected that everyone else was critical towards her, not realising these feelings were within herself. In situations like this, therapy can assist to let go of her father’s criticism’s. Counselling works through her feelings, so she could give up these defensive patterns and live her own life. So she can accept herself and develop a more authentic relationship with herself and others.

Establish new ways of relating  with  couple therapy

As a relationships counsellor, Nancy Carbone  re-organizes painful feelings, so they can be experienced in a more manageable form. As a relational psychotherapist, Nancy can transform, modify and restructure how one feels about themselves and relates to others. Overcome repetitive  behavior, by working through patterns that remain stuck, that are continuing triggered, in the couple relationship.

Nancy Carbone

Counselling in Perth

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