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Couples and Individual Therapist

Nancy Carbone offers Psychotherpy and Counselling services in Perth. She offers Couples and Individual Therapy for emotional problems. Each couples counselling session  or individual therapy session session is designed  toward the individual’s  needs. So they can overcome being consumed by personal difficulties.

 Counselling for emotional difficulties

As a  Couples and Individual Therapist, Nancy understands that everyone has difficulty coping at crisis points. Sometimes there are  situations  that we need to face in order to move forward. Sometimes these stressful situations  create emotional difficulties coping, where people do not feel they have the inner resources to cope or deal with change. As a  Perth Couples and Individual psychotherapist, Nancy see’s many of her clients  feel overwhelmed with problems, that they do not see clearly what they need to do, particularly with couples who are distressed. They become even more vulnerable when they reach out to peers for advice or tell them what to do, in order to take charge of their lives. No one can direct ones life, other then fully understanding ones self.

Counsellor services in Perth

Counselling offers the space to reflect on oneself. Many can easily lose themselves in the stress  and often find ways to cope which further distracts them from what is really going on, because they want to escape the stress. Many have couples  have relationship breakdown as a result of not coping. As a  Couples and Individual Therapist, Nancy knows,  certain blind spots can  get in the way of  overcoming these painful difficulties on ones own. At Counselling in Perth, Nancy understands that when emotional distress has reached its peak,  there are times that we need the facilitating environment of a therapist to make sence of how we feel, to gain clarity and focus us back on track .

As a  Couples and Individual counsellor, by understanding to her client’s needs and their history,  Nancy can help  achieve the goals that couples or indiviudals  want from  therapy.

Perth Counsellor for individuals and couples


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For counselling, seek Nancy, the  Couples and Individual Therapist Specialist in Scarborough Perth on 0449 861 147 or use the enquiry form page Here

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